BBS May Schedule

For the month of May, we will be offering a BBS workshop on Monday nights (May 2, 9, 16, 23), 7:00-8:00 pm, at the Verandah Club in Dallas.  Students will be learning a dance from the Velvet Kittens repertoire. This dance incorporates hats, canes, and chairs, and is set the song “If Loving You is Wrong.”  Class size is limited, and students must rsvp in advance with Cara Young at 214-761-7895 or  There are no refunds or credits forward to other classes.  All classes must be attended on dates listed for each class/session.

Tuition:  $45 if rsvp inadvance. ($60.00 past early registration deadline of April 29)

Dallas classes held at the Verandah Club (2201 N. Stemmons Freeway, Dallas, TX 75207).


We are moving our Fort Worth classes to a new location, and will begin offering selected workshops and intro classes at the end of May.  We will be resuming monthly workshops  in June. Check back for information on new location and class schedule.

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